Opens "Whats new" website after opening a workspace in Mcreator 1.9.0

Published by FinnT730 on
Works as designed
Issue description

When I open a new Workspace or a older one, it want's to setup MDK again, and then it will go to the 'What's new' site of Mcreator. I don't know if it is just me or something, but I hope it gets fixed in 1.9.1.


If you need more info, just say so :P

Issue comments

This means that the setup was not complete yet. Do not close the workspace until MCreator is setting up. MCreator is setting up as long as there is a blue dot next to the Console tab text.

Even if the workspace was already made?   this is showing that I made the workspace before, and it is fully loaded and ready to go, but when I close is, and re-open it, it does it again.

I open Windows PowerShell in the MCreator Workspace \ WorkspaceName folder, then press Shift + right click and type

.\gradlew"C:/Program Files/Pylo/MCreator/jdk" -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Xms625m -Xmx2048m" setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies