Structure Rotation Bug

Issue description

Dear MCreator Devs,

There is a weird bug that is probably connected to the rotation feature or the spawn offset feature.

In a custom biome, I let custom structures spawn from custom blocks. The problem is (see picture) that the trees destroy everything where they sapwn on and everything next to it. The structure itself is not (nbt + structure void used). The thing is that when I turn off the spinning, they do not destroy anything anymore.

Biome first layer: Grass (Vanilla)
Second: custom dirt


Issue comments

MCreator just passes the rotation to the structure spawning system of the Minecraft. It could be a bug. Right now I don't see any way how this could be fixed on MCreator's side.

Well unfortunate.
What about the biome code, where you can choose a schematic or structure to spawn in (maybe some adjustment would be good, like options you have with the structure making). Is this a different code. Not sure if others can help you with this problem (becuase of the MCreator base-code). But there are a few topics in the internet about this, like:

I also aksed a professional modder and plugin programer and a coder. Both said (can be wrong) that the rotation is wrong because the blocks or structure resets each time. And something isn't connected to the nbt file.

(they also send me this site: )

But I'm not good with coding structures.