Multiple tree structure selection for Biomes Elements

Issue description

Could we have an easier way to generate more than one tree rather than generate structures when Making new biomes,

Forests, Tiaras, and even Dark oaks have to tree variants may it be different trees like forests or different sizes like Dark oak forests, Taigas also have different styles of trees in the generated biome different that planted trees (some)

And would it be possible to ensure that trees don't float over cliffs or steep terrain, it's still an issue, you may want to test for solid blocks in the bottom of the structure and then have it spawn only if the grass material is below that spot. This seems to be an easy fix for adding rocks through ore generation using blocks and I have never had a floating prop block using this technique.

This removes floating blocks on generation

Issue comments

It could also be working fine but not detecting the pace needed to place the block properly, Structure voids seem to be counting as soild blocks or if not then it's just spawning the tree above where the full width and depth of the tree can fit. It may not be taking into consideration that some blocks can be replaced in each other like leaves or can be removed if needed for example if the terrain is in the way to give terrain priority.

As a side note it gets worse the larger the size of the tree and the more steep terrain, a 7x7 with 3 trees per chunk still has an issue where they pile up on each other and or float over ledges. most cases it looks like it is just looking for enough room to spawn the structure. As the few trees I looked at all have room for the width and depth of the block but one block more and in most cases, it would collide with the terrain.

Below are some screenshots to show more about the floating trees.

It would be nice to have that issue fixed for 1.9.1 in a hotfix before 1.14's release.
Other than that having a way to select more than one tree model would great with it :)

There are a few very closely related tickets to this one:

  • - for floating trees - it is in fact quite hard to make a detection of ground that would work for any tree type, but I am working on improving this in each update - the spawner looks for a ground point for the center of the structure currently and the spawn block needs to be a ground or underground block of the given biome
  • For more tree types and multi-structure options, there is this ticket:

There will not be more patches for 1.9.1, but don't worry, the next update will support both versions.

As the issue tracker is getting overloaded with feature requests recently, I will link to this ticket from the linked two issues.