Halloween and Minigames ModJam presented by MCreative Discord (With Cash Prize!) (Ends October 31st 2023)

Started by urielito3010 on

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Halloween and Minigames ModJam presented by MCreative Discord (With Cash Prize!) (Ends October 31st 2023)
Tue, 10/03/2023 - 16:59 (edited)

Hello! I am Kleiders, one of the 3 co-owners of the MCreative Discord, a community driven discord where we share tutorials, help each other, and do cool events!

This time we are presenting the MCreative Spooky ModJam for 2023, a relaxed modjam with plenty of time to work to get your best mod going!
Additionally, we are currently building a Modded SMP built on community mods, and mods participating on the ModJam are elegible to be added to the server!

Here is our invite, and we hope to see you in the server making cool stuff with everyone! https://discord.gg/XHNSGzMsXa


You can also collab with other people in the "Collaboration" channel, and if you are struggling with something you can just ask for help on the help dedicated channels!

Theme: Minigame 
Secondary: Halloween 
Deadline: October 31st, Halloween

Rules of Entry 

1) Modification must follow one of the themes, it can be a proof of concept, or a full release. 

2) Submissions can be to modrinth, curseforge, Mcreator website, or the workspace can be sent to one of the owners, if your mod isnt accepted in time


3) You may reuse old assets, but the mod must be made during the time of the Jam. 


4) Mod version must be 1.16.5 and up. Preferably 1.20.1 


5) Teams are allowed If your team wins, its up to you to decide how to split the prize 


Bonus Points 


Bonus points will be given out for each condition met while judging. These are optional 


🎃 A Halloween Themed Minigame Using both themes earns you extra points 

🔢Multiple instances of the game can be run on the server at the same time. 

💽Entire game is playable meaning finished minigames will be able to score higher than proof of concept

 🤝Community voting the community will vote for their favorite modifications 

⛓️Minigame is self contained nothing outside the minigame can effect it, and nothing can be brought out of it (other than rewards) 




🥇 💰 25 USD | @Mod-Jam Champion | 2 weeks of 2x chat xp 

🥈 💰10 USD | 2 weeks of 2x chat xp 

🥉 2 weeks 2x chat xp 


Prize money will be awarded either through paypal, or online giftcards such as amazon


More prizes might be added in depending on how many entries the modjam gets

Quality > Size, make sure of that you create what you want to create, don't feel forced to make something big if what you really want to do is something smaller!


Edited by urielito3010 on Tue, 10/03/2023 - 16:59