Started by
Pete Sucks At Coding
Topic category: Help with MCreator software
Anglish, Pirate speak, ɥsᴉꞁᵷuƎ uʍoᗡ ǝpᴉsd∩ and Shakesperean english don't appear as language options. I searched all over, and still nothing to be found. Any help?
The dev's said it's because it's using the default JAVA language stack, so this might be these other languages are hard coded has I couldn't find them in the language folder ever.
I also wanted to support Pirate Speak
I have just looked up we can most likely add Pirate Speak manually not hard, just copu your language file, rename it to en_PT.lang and place it in your language folder after building your mod, open the jar with zip and plonk it in.
We need editing options this is stupid, but also sorry it's .json not .lang
Ok a way to support it via the MCreator so it dont' delete it, create a second language I used en_pn and then I closed MCreator, opened up the projectname.mcreator file and then changed en_pn to pt then saved it reloaded it and then ran changed the options under the lang tab, note it will show the wrong flag, then load the game, you will see your Pirate Speak works.