projectile damage is incorrectly shown

Started by Squishybrick on

Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions

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projectile damage is incorrectly shown

When creating/setting a projectile, the "Default Projectile Hit Damage" field dictates how much damage the projectile does.

How does it do this? Well, if you click on the [?] tooltip box, it brings you to a page on the mcreator site, which says

"Default hit damage: This is how much damage the projectile does when it hits an entity. Higher values do more damage. A value of 0.0 will deal half a heart of damage (1 health point) Each 0.1 value deals with one additional health point. For the player with 20 health points, it would require a value of 1.9 to kill the player. ((0.1 * 20) - (0.1)) = 1.9 you need to subtract 0.1 because 0.0 deals 1 point of damage."


I had my damage set to 0.9, and was wondering why it took 4 shots to kill a cow, when it should've been only taking 1, since as per the formula, 0.9 damage would be dealing 10
damage, or 5 hearts of damage.

Well, turns out this information is incorrect. The damage in this field is actually calculated as every 0.5 value being a half heart.
(I didn't check if it rounded up/down, but it looks like it does.)

So, a damage value of 0.9, would be one heart.. Half of that of the damage of a wooden sword..

This makes sense, as the damage formula for the damage value used in the code blocks for firing a projectile, is the same. (1 damage = 1 heart)

So, I make a simple request here for that page's information to be updated to correctly show the damage formula.