Topic category: Help with modding (Java Edition)
Hello, I am currently trying to create an entity you can move around by plopping it onto your head, and then being able to drop it off at another location. Everything works as intended with the one issue being that the entity completely covers your vision, as it sits more on your shoulders than the top of your head.
My current fix for this is that I have a separate idle animation for the entity that is offset upwards, which works fine. However, the entity's hitbox is still in the way and my current fix opens up the possibility of other visual bugs.
So what I am wondering is, is there a way to have an entity offset when riding the player? I am open to using the code editor if I have to, but I would prefer if the solution isn't too convoluted, as my current fix already is.
You can set entity offset on the first page of custom living entity editor UI
@Klemen this affects the player riding the entity which is not what I want. The issue is when the entity is riding the player