URGENT Dimension generation setting availability

Started by Tucky143 on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

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URGENT Dimension generation setting availability

I noticed that the overworld type for dimension gen makes it a copy of the overworld. I have solutions that would help. 

  • Could you make it so that you can change it to the old rng("legacy_random_source") and so you can change the multiply density? the multiply density changes the flatness of the generation of the dimension and the "legacy_random_source" changes the world generation and loot values to the older rng?
  • Make it so the values you change about the dimension and the biomes change the noise values of the dimension generator.

PLEASE add one of these because making a dimension is boring when it looks the exact same dimension as the overworld.

Joined Feb 2024

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That or can you make it so…
Sat, 08/17/2024 - 20:55

That or can you make it so it creates a custom biome type instead of using the vanilla one?