2024.4 item animation

Started by Kanelipula on

Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions

Joined Nov 2024

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2024.4 item animation

I updated to mcreator 2024.4 and updated the geckolib plugin I was using. Now the geckolib import button that used to be at the top is no longer there. Also the tab is gone so I can't import any geckolib animations or geckolib models that I hadn't already imported. I know that's because of the new entity animations thing but is it possible to have custom item animations in 2024.4 like you could have in previous version with the plugin? 

pdated the geckolib plugin I…
Sat, 12/21/2024 - 14:59

pdated the geckolib plugin I was using. Now the geckolib import button that used to be at the top is no longer there. Also the tab is gone so I can't import any geckolib animations or geckolib models that I hadn't already imported. I know that's because of the new entity animations thing but is it possible to have custom item animations in 2024.4 like you could have in previous version with the plugin? 

I advise you to get in touch with the plugin author.