Topic category: User side tutorials
Since using the Slowness Potion to implement the zoom function is simpler,
I would appreciate it if you watch this tutorial just for fun. :)
*Of course, adjusting the FOV value directly through code gives better zooming effect
The completed version looks like this.
Step1. I will create keybindings.
Step2. Zoom-in procedure.
The trigger below is temporarily added and will be removed later in the code.
Step3. Zoom-out procedure.
Step4. Zoom-in procedure Code.
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; //add
import; //add
import net.minecraft.client.Options; //add
public class ZoomInProcedure {
public static void execute(Entity entity) {
if (entity == null)
if ((entity instanceof LivingEntity _livEnt ? _livEnt.getMainHandItem() : ItemStack.EMPTY).getItem() == TestModItems.SNIPER.get()) {
entity.setTicksFrozen(0); //delete code
Player player = Minecraft.getInstance().player; //add
Minecraft.getInstance().options.fov().set(30); //add
The maximum zoom value is 30~110. Values higher than this will not work.
Step5. Zoom-out procedure Code.
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; //add
import; //add
import net.minecraft.client.Options; //add
public class ZoomOutProcedure {
public static void execute() {
Player player = Minecraft.getInstance().player; //add
if (player != null) { //add
Minecraft.getInstance().options.fov().set(70); //add
It’s complete.
Due to a bug where the FOV value starts at 30 upon rejoining, you can fix this issue by using the corresponding trigger block when creating the ZoomIn procedure.
This works and very easy to follow. Thank you!