Topic category: Help with MCreator software
The mod that I am working on deals a lot with protection from certain types of damage. It works by detecting the damage type, and cancelling the damage trigger if of a certain type. Some of the items instead deal a different amount of damage based on a player's stats, which also works by cancelling the damage trigger.
Unfortunately it seems like the "When entity is hurt" trigger is no longer cancellable, and the "When entity is attacked" trigger only activates when there is a source entity, which doesn't work when it is environmental damage.
Is there any way to cancel the "When entity is hurt" trigger, or is there any way to get around this change in the program. Are there any alternative solutions?
There is a plugin, I cannot remember the name of, but it has a block that allows you to pick a (I think new) global trigger called "before entity is hurt" which you can check for "damage type" and if is the damage type along with the player having the protections "set damage to (reducedDMG)".