New Overlay & GUI Things + Textures Things

Started by Rayan2021 on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Joined Jan 2025

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New Overlay & GUI Things + Textures Things

Part 1 - Overlay & GUI Ideas

The GUI & Overlay features is really void "More with overlay", so you can add a resize style for images, buttons, texts. Also a rotation system too without create a texture with the rotation in, it will be more helpful for mods like "Bars", also we can retake the minecraft textures for images/imagebuttons, And modified it with a tint system, it will be really helpfull!

Part 2 - Textures Ideas
The texture modifier have already a lot of features, but some need to be more helpfull, one, when we change some saturations or luminosity, that changes in real life, not applied when we press "OK", somethings like that, now the saturation modifier can only be use for reduce some, but why we can't add more staturation? It will be more helpfull, Also the same things for luminosity, also why we can't add texts in textures for create TITLE!