A "Get Varriable Name" Procedure block

Started by nilek20 on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Joined Aug 2020

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A "Get Varriable Name" Procedure block

A bit of prefacing for my suggestion/request. I am currently making a mod with over 50 variables and im not even half done. i was trying to make a command that wold take a string (The name of a Variable) and return that variables value. when i went to do this i realized i would have to make a new if block for each variable. 

As such, my idea is a procedure block that reads as follows:

[Get variable name for "X" (The dependency) of scope "X" and Type"X"] 

Essentially what this procedure block would do is take the dependency provided and return the names (as individual return values) of all variables attached to the provided dependency that have a matching Scope and Type. This could allow someone like me to create a procedure that  condenses the above prcedure i mentioned into a single If value.