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Topic category: Website and community discussion
i need someone to know, bcs im making mod with a lot of biomes, but only one generates.
If someone knows please comment
Topic category: Website and community discussion
i need someone to know, bcs im making mod with a lot of biomes, but only one generates.
If someone knows please comment
Can you explain your issue for calm? What exactly is happening?
Did you allow your biomes to spawn in that particular place(ex. end, nether)? Did you provide the size value of those biomes?
Enny, sorry for being fast as explanation lol 😅
Like imagine, you want to make a mod that adds a lot of biomes, right? so you add all of them, and then when you /locate one it says that its too far away to be located, wich is bad because you put effort in making biomes just for them overridng themselves. i was searching for someone who know how to solve that problem
maybe try to increase the biome size or that the biomes spawn next to a specific one