Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.14.19
java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17
minecraft: Minecraft 1.19.2
unknownsyourmommod: UnknownsYourMomMod 1.0.0
^ Relevant information on my Mcreator application and loader above ^
So, this error started when I tried using the model templates for blocks, I tried to make a custom wall only to be confronted with the errorlog listed below,
Before we start going down a rabbit hole, I'd like to state that it is entirely possible I'm doing something wrong, but I've looked at tutorials and followed them and it seems using block templates should be simple enough.
It's also entirely possible that the fabric loader I'm using doesn't support the use of block templates, which is weird because the option is there (normally when the loader doesn't support something, it'll cross it out, or make it grey and non-interactable), which isn't the case here.
So, I suppose to save everyone some time, lets rule out either option; starting with the elephant in the room: My loader.
How can I tell if my loader doesn't support a feature, what line in this error log should I be looking out for?
I notice I tend to solve these myself on this platform.
Alright quick run-down for everyone: DO NOT, set the block physics to sand, there is no such thing as a falling state wall or slab block in vanilla Minecraft.
So, when I tried using the block template, it would return null because technically, no, there isn't a sand state for walls or slabs.
When setting the material reaction settings for custom block items, please check what material you have it set to before attempting to build; Otherwise, use a custom model and custom code to get around this issue.
Its either that or duplicating elements instead of making new ones for extra block features is bad practice, I think this is more likely than the falling state issue I mentioned above.
Which case that's the compiler's limitation; new blocks need to be made rather than duplicating.
Avoid when possible