Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
So, I want to make an image button do a procedure that changes a variable and gives an advancement.
Whenever I have the procedure for this in the button code and try to test it, I get the error: Your workspace contains mod elements that don't compile properly.
This error only shows up when the procedure is inside of the GUI's button, I have no idea what the problem is and am asking for help since this is an important part of the mod I am making.
Block code for button is as follows (to my knowledge):
If player has advancement = false and player's skill points > or = to 1:
Close any GUI open
Add advancement: DoubleJumpUnlocked
Set logic "DoubleJumpUnlocked" to true
Set number of skill points to "skill points - 1"
If skillpoints is < 1
Close any GUI open
print "You need 1 skill point to unlock this ability."