5 Ideas for MCreator (II)

Started by LuisBarretoHD on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

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5 Ideas for MCreator (II)

I know that I included 5 ideas I would love to see on MCreator and they got accepted by the admins of the website. So, why don't make another one?

1. Ability to make potion and effects

(Note: Potions are available on MCreator for a very long time, but they were on the food tab, so I wanted Pylo to make one for potions) For example, I want to make a potion of flight, but it is not possible for now. Think that the effect would activate events like flight or something like that and an event when it expires.

MCreator needs a ability to make potion and effects so the there will be more usage of events.

2. Crafting recipes using brewing stand

Yep, this is for potions too, but brewing stands are tools that let you make potions. So, it would be useful for people who want to make potions or something involving magic if brewing stands are needed.

3. Custom enchantment maker

In MCreator, you completely can't make your own custom enchantements. There are mods (not made on MCreator that have custom enchantements such as the More Enchantements Mod. I wished to make an enchantment to a pickaxe that smelts ores when mined (maybe exept cobblestone). And I also wished to make an enchantment for a bow that your arrows can follow a entity nearby.

4. Ability to make custom weapons

There are lots of mods that include adding custom weapons (not normal Minecraft weapons), dual helding, custom arrows, custom shields and stuff like that. But MCreator can't really do that. I mean, you can only do swords, battleaxes, and stuff like that. And also, it should be a setting to set attack speed (higher the attack speed is, faster the cooldown is). I would like to do it on my MC Mega Pack mod.

5. More settings to mobs

I think MCreator should add more settings to mobs such as customizing settings of spawn egg, set color of boss bar, more death item drops and stuff like that. That would help on making mobs having more effort.


So that's my sequel to it. Goodbye.

And I forgot, mod on! ;)

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pretty good ideas...hope they
Tue, 04/04/2017 - 13:29

pretty good ideas...hope they will add them...because when i was a stupid kid , i thought that they will add custom potions...but they never added them...so it would be fun...

Joined Oct 2017

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Wed, 05/22/2019 - 16:43



I think it's a great idea

Too many ideas with them...