Mcreator 1.7.9 Help with making a RainLamp/DropLamp

Started by SkylieTuff on

Topic category: Help with modding (Java Edition)

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Mcreator 1.7.9 Help with making a RainLamp/DropLamp
Sun, 05/06/2018 - 16:24 (edited)

So I edited this topic was originally about asking how procedures work, now it's about how to detect rain

I tried neighbor block changes, I tried random update, and I tried all that I could. Even tried if/do, while/do procedures and seems to crash when in game after I toggle the rain. I was curious if I was doing something wrong, so I changed things up. 

All I would like to know if someone could show me how to do these two things, and I could learn from there.

First: Make it so when it's raining the block swaps to the lamp_on block different texture with 15 light and redstone power. When it's not raining, it swaps back to the other textured block with no redstone power nor light. 

Second: A block that is solid that swaps to a block that has power with gravity when powered by redstone and redstone power and when powered again, swaps back to the solid state block without power til it gets powered with redstone again. 


Edited by SkylieTuff on Sun, 05/06/2018 - 16:24
Last seen on 23:33, 26. Jul 2024
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I think procedures are…
Sat, 05/05/2018 - 21:12

I think procedures are better way of adding additional methods for elements and you don't have to redo them every time you are making block/item Again
if you want to learn how Procedures works you can check this Site:
its mostly for making Games/Programs with procedures but they all work the same way there and here the only difference between them are naming, amount of blocks with code and use 

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Nah I'm a dummy and I got…
Sat, 05/05/2018 - 21:24

Nah I'm a dummy and I got everything I wanted working perfectly fine, just took me a bit to learn but I understand how it works, it's like coding with easy to understand brackets. Only thing I really irritates me is I have to do two recipes for one block. Meaning I made compacted sand, and have to do a recipe to create it and a recipe to have it changed back. It's not very helpful on that, I understand why they did that, but meh. 

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So I'm trying to make it so…
Sun, 05/06/2018 - 13:16

So I'm trying to make it so it'll activate a procedure only when it's raining, I tried random update event and tick update event on the block itself, and to no avail. I know the procedure is right. I even tried when neighbor block changes, and literally didn't help me. Just wanted to make a rain lamp that turns a light on when it's raining and provides power. I could easily do this in 1.7.8. 

Last seen on 23:33, 26. Jul 2024
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Make procedure  If weather…
Wed, 05/09/2018 - 15:21

Make procedure 

If weather is rain 

Do what ever you want to do

Else if not weather is rain

Do opposite of above

Now in your block set the tick rate to 20 "20 ticks = 1 sec and 1 tick = 0.05sec" than set this procedure to event on tick update and from now it this procedure will start checking every 1sec if it's raining or not 


Last seen on 22:41, 16. Oct 2023
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@Wes: Sorry, took way to…
Tue, 05/15/2018 - 14:17

@Wes: Sorry, took way to long for you to respond for any help. I found a modder to help make minecraft 3.0 containing these ideas and alot more. I am looking for people who want to help, they will get donations in money plus insta op on server I'll be creating along with custom cosmetics only they can get.