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Topic category: Help with MCreator software
Hi, when I try to import texture on MCreator 1.7.3, it close it (so doesn't work), can I get help ?
Topic category: Help with MCreator software
Hi, when I try to import texture on MCreator 1.7.3, it close it (so doesn't work), can I get help ?
try to update to MCreator 1.8.0
if you want to create a backup of your mod to bring it for the new version, i created a short tutorial:
1. Select your mod workspace in first page
2. then click in "export current workspace to mcr file"
3. delete your old MCreator, download new version
4. open the new MCreator and wait MCreator finish download everything (you don't need to do nothing just wait)
5. when finish, click in "import mcr files to current workspace"
6. Enjoy the new version
Buttons i mentioned: