Automatic update

Started by HEroBrinEkill1 on

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Automatic update

Say in the new mcreator 2 why do not editing automatically update so that people get messages what is new versions plus you can also see what is Fixed bugs and what new also why do not also error sound if make something wrong in the update and code even help what you can do plug-in software and also addons that it connect from Network that tell you what you can do and exist that can get help to work together with someone else if add this in the mcreator 2.


Please don't remove this and my English and my Netherlands are both very bad to explain it in any fact and understand about also I not good at reading that why can this good in tell about if want better understand me here is my discord also I am only good at voice so I can be understand and in both languages in chat I just not good that can't be helpful in that only what I good to it so please understand me if not go to my discord and we can call so I explain to you more what I mean also badly understand about the rules so hard to understand in reading if do break the rules.


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Sat, 10/01/2022 - 20:31

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