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Topic category: User side tutorials
is there a way to make NBT tags show on a overlay?
Edited by Lilmrmagoo on Mon, 07/22/2019 - 22:50
Topic category: User side tutorials
is there a way to make NBT tags show on a overlay?
No, NBT tags are bound to block, item or entity. How should overlay know which block/item/entity to check?
For overlays, use global variables.
either you could tell it which one to check or it just checks the players. unless nbt doesn't work like I thought as local player stored variables
If you know which entity to print, you can copy its nbt to a global session variable and print this on the overlay.
but then it won't work in multiplayer or if you have multiple of the same entity unless you want to make a bunch of variables.
also, I saw somewhere for nbt you have to use a is server-side block but I can't find that unless it's been renamed