Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
So, I had been using MCreator for quite some time as it is convenient and doesn't require any experience. However, the most tedious part has to be making procedures. Making the procedure isn't hard at all, that is only until the point when you realized you the block code in your first procedure is the same as the rest of them and you need to do all of them one at a time. It starts to get frustrating and it is a really big time consumer. I think there should be a feature where you can store a piece of block code that is in one procedure into some sort of library to be used in the future when needed. Take for example, they have this backpack feature where you can insert code from one sprite to another or even better... one project to another.
You can do this! Just press export procedure (top right, below the save buttons) after making a procedure, then put it into the procedure templates in C:\Users\*Your Name Here*\.mcreator\templates\ptpl