Topic category: General discussion
So I have a Challenge.
In your mod add a boss for this challenge or you can use a boss you already have.
(I got permission from crispy chips to make this challenge.)
1: 1.14.4 bosses only.
2: The boss has to be strong.
3: Boss has to have over 200 HP just in case of Overpowered bosses.
4: Bosses cannot be Super OP. No more than 10,000 HP and no unkillable bosses. (I will fight all the bosses in your mods beforehand)
1st: Me Reviewing your mod on my Channel.
2nd: Me Adding a Trophy Into my Mod which would be dropped by The Final Boss. The Trophy would say your name on it.
3rd: Me Upvoting your mod.
Bosses so far.
1: The Death Master. 8800 Health (Cataclysm of Lords)
2: Crystal Crab. 1000 Health (Way Deeper Down)
3: Cyclops. 1000 Health (Infernal Bosses)
(I will add more places!)
Oh, hello there, didn't know you where doing this too
Mmmmh, that where was painful
Yeah, it for 1.14!
Oh oh that's really nice!
Anyways I just posted a problem I got with my boss, so I don't know what I should do. The only boss I have that would work is very unoriginal. So before sign up I need to fix that thing of target information and stuff
You can submit a boss! Make sure to read the rules.
I think I can fix the thing, so when I finish mod I'll come back here to choose my pokemon xd
i just realised that my mod is not 1.14, it is 1.15. im stupid :P
is there a way to pass the models from a version to another?
Save them as a new model In blockbench and set their version to 1.14 then export them again.
ok, but let me first me first finish the mod, then ill change all that. Has anyone else got nterested in the competition? Because im pretty sure that boss in the list is yours
It is my boss. I dont know anyone who is participating
Hey FreddyFox, look at my fighter boi. Doesnt it look menacing?
It will be ready a soon as i finish the mod, so you better think twice before making your boss fight against my crystal-craby boi