how can i link custom loot tables to blocks with custom inventory?

Started by TumkaPook on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

Last seen on 17:42, 24. Nov 2021
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how can i link custom loot tables to blocks with custom inventory?

how can i link custom loot tables to blocks with custom inventory? I was looking for this on form but didnt find how to link it to world generated blocks

Last seen on 14:22, 14. Mar 2021
Joined May 2019

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Try a tutorial on YouToube…
Tue, 06/09/2020 - 17:54

Try a tutorial on YouToube like NortchWestTreesGaming Tutorials

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I was confused at the start,…
Wed, 12/06/2023 - 06:52

I was confused at the start, and I searched the web to get nothing, so I sat there through countless trials and errors, but I did these steps in this order to achieve my end goal.

  1. I hit create new loot table
  2. It will then ask you to create a name, you do not need to name it anything special yet, (That's why you coudn't name it with a '/' or slash). For example my one was Relic_Dirt_Loot_Table
  3. Then hit create
  4. After it opens the page of the loot table creator, at the top is where you change the 'Loot table registry name:', that's where you add your loot table, to "Block/example" or whatever your loot table type is. For example my one was 'Block/Relic_Dirt'
  5. Then click save, however, I found that once saved, you cannot change the directory again, so make sure your spelling and caps are correct, because incorrect capitalized letters do not work.

I hope this helped.

(P.S I made an account just to respond here, lol)