introduction, bedrock, ipad

Started by edward3h on

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introduction, bedrock, ipad
Thu, 09/10/2020 - 14:52 (edited)


Is this the best place to introduce myself? In my day job I'm an experienced Java software engineer for a major website. At home I'm a father of a Minecraft obsessed 8 year old. We like to work on addons together.

My kids and their friends all play Bedrock edition on iPads, so that is what I am interested in supporting. I'm happy to pick up some Bedrock related bugs or feature requests.

Another goal I have is to try and make a version of MCreator that is usable on an iPad, so my son doesn't keep having to borrow my computer :-P Is anyone else interested in this or working on something already?



Edited by edward3h on Thu, 09/10/2020 - 14:52
Joined Nov 2018

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If he makes the addon on theā€¦
Tue, 09/29/2020 - 19:24

If he makes the addon on the computer and sends it to his IPad's email for him to put into Minecraft it should be fine.


I think MCreator would take up too much space on an IPad.


I'm not an official spokesperson I'm just a 2 year user of this software.