Topic category: User side tutorials
I'll teach you all to adding dependencies (note : im beginner on java and modding, so any error that u notice warn me pls)
first you'll need an IDE, than create a workspace with the exact forge version of the desired mod.
use the ide to enter the build.gradle file of your workspace. than after the last curly brace of buildscript, place:
dependencies {
than inside maven place
name 'Curseforge Maven'
url = ''
inside dependencies place
deobfCompile '//mod original name or wathever (idk how they name that things).'
than run the task setupDecompWorkspace, restart your ide, refresh it (if possible, on mine workspace it isnt) using gradlew --refresh-dependencies.
and voila! if u want place the .jar file at libs (if dont exist libs click at build button) pick the sourcecode of mod rename it to .jar
than go place at libs or somewhere,
come back to build.gradle and put this
@Mod (dependencies = "// idk again the 'id(?)' of mod.")
and voila
runClient and minecraft will work with the mod, note: if the forgr version isnt exact it wont work.
note im having trouble with @Mod so can you help me out?