InsanityXone Announcement

Started by FreddyFoxGam3r on

Topic category: Mod showcase and discussion

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InsanityXone Announcement

I'm currently working on Space and Beyond. I'm really enjoying development and patch 1.2.1 is coming soon. However, I have always been a fan of boss mods. If you have been reading my comments and forum posts, you will know I love the game Terraria. There are a lot of these 'Content Mods' that are on TModloader and I really enjoy messing around on them. I want to recreate something similar in minecraft. So, in announcing a new mod (which I will actually make this time)...



As far as the stuff in the mod, it will be similar to my other mods. It will be a mixture of my 4 main mods. NecronCraft, Insanity, UltraCraft and MCOverhaul. If you dont know much about them here is them in a nutshell:

NecronCraft: You travel through about 15 Dimensions and fight tons of bosses and collect loot.

Insanity: a smaller version of NecronCraft witch focuses on quality rather than quantity (unlike NecronCraft). It is mainly based around exploring the Overworld and finding dungeons.

MCOverhaul: The first ever mod I made with Mcreator. It was taken off the site for having bad images and a horrible description. It added in about 30 bosses that were basically buffed zombies. It was random as hell and had no theme or anything. But it is dayum fun to play.

UltraCraft: a better version of MCOverhaul which had a theme of fantasy and was the most bugged mod ever made. I never published it and it has been rotting in my hard drive for over a year.


Note: I'm still making Space and Beyond so this mod will take a while before the first alpha comes out. I'm gonna release it in a similar way to SAB however it  will have more content of release.


Thank you for reading!

Joined Sep 2019

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If you are wondering the mod…
Thu, 01/07/2021 - 18:03

If you are wondering the mod is for 1.15.2. I have began work on it.