I need help making contents of mod in a file a .jar, basically how do i compile it into a jar

Started by Dark_what on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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I need help making contents of mod in a file a .jar, basically how do i compile it into a jar

I'm editing a mod and it's some recipe mode and I added another recipe, so the original mod works, what my question is how do I make the content that's inside of the folder an executable jar that doesn't show up in forge mod loader as an invalid mod. The only thing I changed was coping with a .json recipe file and then pasting it and changing the code to make another custom recipe. I'm very new to anything related to coding and I'm not changing huge code in fact all I edited was extremely simple and I can usefully ask one of my friends about code if I need help. He has never made a Minecraft mod before so he cant help me with compiling it into a jar. Just to mention again I have everything I need in a folder right now and I just need to know how to make it into a .jar folder. I learned it the hard way but zipping it then renaming it .jar doesn't work.

Thanks in advance!!!!



PS: I didn't use Mcreator, I barely found out about it but I will use it in the future!



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arange the contents of the…
Thu, 03/25/2021 - 05:33

arange the contents of the mod correctly in to the right folders then compress it all into zip(if on windows) then rename the zip file extension to a jar