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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
OK SO! I created a model in blockbench (its a table) and i want to use it in mcreator. only problem is, the legs are a different texture than the top. that being said, will mcreator allow me to do this? cause it makes me choose a new texture and that one that it makes me choose fills the entire table. help?? also if this doesnt make sense im sorry, im new to this.
this is what its supposed to look like
Import the texture itself into Mcreator and when importing the model to Mcreator, set the texture mapping to that texture
so the texture that looks like this?
If thats the texture you used in Blockbench, yes
Then set the model's texture mapping to that texture and use that texture for the blocks code
so the texture mapping is the like, six squares you have to edit when making a custom block right? im new to this. if so, i tried, and it didnt work
The texture mapping is how each Blockbench piece gets its texture from the texture you use. This is edited in the UV Box in the top left square of Blockbench