Minecraf+ — everyone have special personal ability + ∞ combinations ( builder and model maker please join us ;D )

Started by MatthewX on

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Minecraf+ — everyone have special personal ability + ∞ combinations ( builder and model maker please join us ;D )
Fri, 08/13/2021 - 15:43 (edited)

Minecraf+ - revamped minecraft mechanisms and new stuffs that give much more possibilities :D


its a RPG. I want to add different personal abilities cuz recently I watched a comic and the skill combination fascinate me a lot XD.

later , I realise it’s not quite hard to make that in minecraft!
here are the ability list:


Every 100 level player can unlock new ability , capped at 1000.

The story :

first , when player first join world , they will be dragged to watch a story by me using command :P.

The content are like : bedrock , a block that contain mystery , are forged by ancient adventures and blacksmith to prevent the overwhelming amount of wither army , which was spreading like a disaster . Although some bedrocks are broken by players ( dragon egg / piston ) most of them remain stable and withers can’t destroy them and attack our world easily . It is believed that the core - which contains the main source of wither power , were leaked and causing such disaster. Therefore , the villagers and humans are planning to destroy the core before the wither lord use the gigantic withery beam to destroy a large layer of bedrocks. While they were building , a adventurer called Ace discover that after getting lv 100 , players can gain different special abilities which are very powerful . The ability were classed by §7 COMMON §a UNCOMMON §9 RARE §5 EPIC §6 LEGENDARY §d MYTHIC §2 SET . Since the wither power threat the godness, they started to force people to invade the withered lands , where the wither lord live .


every game play was different:

First for abilities, there are 2.6*10^11 combinations :D and you will be treat differently! 
also you can choose difficulty:

extreme ( dmg is 69 times weak , 90% chance to get below rare ability )

hard ( dmg is 10 times weak , 60% chance to get below rare ability )

normal  ( dmg is 10 times weak , 50% chance to get below rare ability )

easy   ( dmg is 10 times stronger  , 20% chance to get below rare ability )

For common- uncommon players , they will be abandoned to a place where they can hardly survive ( 99% will die ) , but they will level up very fast and get many rewards if the didn’t die at the end . ( they can choose to help wither lord to defeat human and kill the godness or make your own force.)

You can also travel around or pvp with players .


for rare-mythic players , you will gain a startup exp raging from your rarity.  Also you will be doing many different quests and bosses .





beautiful :D


unique quests & npc & sword & ability!& systems

A cloud that follows you everywhere ( in cloud cities )


Author thoughts :

I think I have greatly mastered modding :D lol cuz I modded 5 years


rn only me myself making all the stuffs , from modding to textures to maps , it’s quite exhausting ( I found a guy help me build now but quite slow )

I have ambitious goals , making Radom generated dungeon map with quests ( not hard to make I planned all ) and quests lines ( I made a few already going well ) as well as super great flexibility weapons and scrolls ( scrolls add a right click ability to any weapon )



soon , I realised by making the entrance of sky cities where it have a rainbow bridge and npc and the dimension and spawning , it took me a day . If I need to accomplish all my goals , it’s likely to take a long time .

when I saw some dungeons mods like rougxx-like dungeons which is quite popular  ( dun show full name ), it rly sucks a lot compare to the new planned dungeon from what I can tell . :D

I need some1 who not need to be a exactly talented builder but a guy with passion and time to build :D


with your help I’m so sure this mod will be so popular :D 

thx to watch this long post

I look forward to collaborate with you also !


later I’ll add some examples of what I did

Edited by MatthewX on Fri, 08/13/2021 - 15:43
Last seen on 10:46, 22. Jun 2022
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Feel free dm me in discord :…
Thu, 08/12/2021 - 11:35

Feel free dm me in discord : my code : yipch#9091

Last seen on 14:51, 16. Feb 2024
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Hey i would love to join…
Thu, 08/12/2021 - 22:12

Hey i would love to join your team, ive send you a friend request on discord, my username is Dylanvhs#4273

Last seen on 10:46, 22. Jun 2022
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Ty :D
Fri, 08/13/2021 - 01:16

Ty :D