Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
First, sorry for my bad english
I Made a boots 3D model for my mod, the boots have a thing that in theory point to nort, i tried to use the thing, but it fail, the boots we're backwards, but that have sense, i see the 3D model and the boots point to south, so i change the direction to North, i change the name and the model name, i delete the old for mcreator and the old texture, i add the new model, new texture and i set the animations, but the boots still loking backwards in game, and that not have a freacking sense, I tried to chance the animations, the position of the boots in the armor part, i delete the animations, i tried everething whit logic, but anything works
Please i need help
Things to try (ignore if you have tried already):
- Make sure you are exporting the correct model file type.
- Make sure the model file export version is correct.
- Merge the boots model with a biped model to see if the boots display backwards within the editor.
- (Blockbench model editor) If the model contains folders, make sure the individual blocks are not rotated relative to the parent folder.
- Create a new armour element with the same model as before.
- Remake the model under a different model identifier and file, as well as making a new armour element with it.
- Remove every reference of the model and elements and re-add them after all previous points have been attempted.
- "Rebuild locked elements and build" after all previous points have been attempted.
First, i do the model in blockbench using a bipedal model as base, so I now that is correct side
I gonna try whit the 4, only the parent folder (I think is caled "bone") Is rotated, so maybe i need to rotate all the block's to make it work
If that fail, I Will just copy the things that i already have and creates a 100% new model whit the copy things, deleting any old model reference
But thinking, Is a mcreator bug: it happened me whit textures, if you delete a texture, edit the texture whit some thing (in my case GIMP) and re-add the texture, the texture apparear whit the old texture whit any new change, the only form of get the chsnges Is rename the texture name, Is still rare whit the 3D model, because I, in a moment, change the name and model name and nothing change
I gona say if all fail or if i fixed
MCreator and Blockbench Armor Tutorial for MC - YouTube
All your blocks you made have to be on the same pivot point as the body part. Pivot points are very important in making armor work. Learn the pivot points for each body part.
Good Luck
the pivot points are ok, I use of model "steve" in blockbench and later I change it to a mod entity, also, when I move in the game, the boots are correctly posicioned and move whit me, but is backwards, I dont try any solution, buy today (probably) Im gonna try something
For my luck the model is simple and in 15 minutes I can remake it looking for the correct side, that is the thing that Im gonna try, i will remember, the model NEEDS to look to the north
i put buy for but, sorry
ok i see the video and the problem is that i made it backward, so i just gona remade it looking for the correct side
i just learn:
dont rotate important armor parts
do the model loking for the north
well, if when i try for something reason anything works, i will back here