Multiple animations on a singular entity 'part'

Started by IanDoesHacks on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Last seen on 22:41, 29. Jan 2023
Joined Jun 2020

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Multiple animations on a singular entity 'part'

Let's say that you have some entity with ahead, this head can freely rotate about with the default head animations, yet, if you were to want it's 'ears' or something of the sort to also have an animation, due to them existing in the same folder you wouldn't be able to do this.

My request is that you be able to have sub-animations on parts that already have an overarching animation.

Another example might be like a floating head, where its head rotates about the air, but if you wanted it to have other animations they would have to be fundamentally disconnected from the head's rotation unless the aforementioned feature was implemented.

I understand this was previously possible with the MCP mappings?