Potential New Moderation System

Started by GalaxyYT on

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Joined Sep 2018

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Potential New Moderation System

What i mean by this is not deleting a new mod forever because of one little mistake. I think a system similar to how Curseforge does it would be really nice. When someone uploads a new mod, if it does not meet requirements, make it invisible to everyone except the creator so they can fix it and go back through the moderation process. Once it does meet the requirements, make it visible to everyone. If they make a mistake (like me for example) and delete the mod image and not replace it and now it's just a crafting recipe, don't delete the entire thing! just make it invisible again, and put it back through the moderation process. 


Someone uploads a mod --> Moderator downloads mod and tests for malware --> Moderator decides whether or not to hide the project 


Let me know what you think or if you have questions. Thanks you.