Is Ammo Checkbox

Started by Battle Bman on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Joined Aug 2022

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Is Ammo Checkbox

My proposition is an "is ammo" checkbox for ranged items. this would make a ranged item not shootable by itself. It would be similar to arrows for bows, where you are unable to just throw the arrow, but instead need a bow to shoot it. This will allow for better use of a system where you have multiple ammo types for a ranged weapon.

In example, I am currently making a shotgun that is supposed to have multiple ammo types. (Dragons Breath (fire rounds) and Normal). Since the ammo needs to be crafted to use the shotgun in survival, this means we can't just make the ammo unobtainable. If we have it in a system where it can shoot itself, that makes the shotgun pointless. If this concept was added, then I would be able to achieve this task with very little issues and not have to sacrifice customizability via workarounds.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!