Structure Blocks overload Procedures & Revert when Locked

Started by Mindthemoods on

Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions

Last seen on 16:53, 11. May 2024
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Structure Blocks overload Procedures & Revert when Locked

Just a bit of a random bug I've been having; been working on a mod with a lot of structures, and I've noticed the following issues. None of these are too problematic, but it did take a bit to figure out what was going on, and I wanted to see if anyone else had been having similar issues.

  • Procedures involving large amounts of structure blocks, (for example, something that randomly selects from over a dozen or so structures with different rotations and whatnot), fail to load in the block-based code generator. The generator looks like it's loaded, and the generated code viewer shows the actual code. You can even place code blocks, but none of the existing ones appear. There aren't any problems when you initially create such a procedure, or if you save and keep it open; only if you try to reopen it once it's been closed.
  • When a procedure with a lot of structure blocks is converted to locked code, some of the structure references randomly revert to the first structure you uploaded. This, again, isn't much of an issue; you can go in and manually search for and change the broken structure references; but it was a little confusing at first when every now and then the wrong structure component would appear completely at random.


...I literally have no idea what could be causing this, but it's kind of weird, right?