Help with Making a Crossbow Animated Item

Started by Bloxspace123451 on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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Help with Making a Crossbow Animated Item

So for For 1.18.2, I am basically trying to make a new weapon obviously that reacts similarly to the Minecraft crossbow; which has two animation types. In Mcreator from what I’ve seen, the CROSSBOW Action is the act of reloading the crossbow; while the BOW Action is the idle for the loaded crossbow. 

How would I get it so that my item plays an Animation (or Action I guess in Java terms) while the player is idling with an item selected in hand? 

Would I have to write an ActionResult that can check if a player has a variable for selecting that item; or would I need a deeper explanation on how this can be done?