Custom Armor/Clothing Mod Idea

Started by Zerenza on

Topic category: Mod ideas exchange

Last seen on 03:29, 17. Apr 2023
Joined Apr 2023

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Custom Armor/Clothing Mod Idea

So, had a pretty cool Idea I think when I was playing around with Tetra Tools. 

I thought it would pretty cool if there were an Armor/Clothing Mod that allowed you to almost fully customize clothing/armor. 

My Idea for this is that, theoretically it should be possible to create new models for several different types of armor/clothing (IE: Feminine, Masculine sets, different kinds of hats, shoes and such.) that don't have texture's, or, use a blank texture instead. Once in the game, the player can use a new Crafting Block(Similar to the Loom), to add patterns or edit the texture of the model pixel by pixel since basic MC Armor is just very small Pixel Art, allowing player's to have full customization of their armor.

To make it a bit more interesting though I want the interface to be extremely user friendly, so you don't need to be an artist to use it, you could use the Base Templates included or found throughout the world that would allow you to start with a Textured Piece of Armor and change it's color's, give it certain color accents in specified area's ect. To add, allow for the creation of many different threads and materials that effect the armor's overall usefulness, add additional effects normally only obtainable by enchants(Like with Tetra Tools) and overall create a really personalized experience for crafting armor and clothes. 

One of the idea's for a use for this is "Potion Infused Thread/Cloth." armor and clothing made with a specific potion will constantly apply that effect to the player. The effect eventually will wear off but the act of infusing it makes it last much much much longer and re-infusing cloth is much easier than carrying around a bunch of potions, you could even stack potion effects by applying different infusing on to different parts of the body(Something that might be mandatory, such as Speed only being able to be put on Boots). This would stack on top of enchantments and give the custom armor a lot of use, especially in mod-packs where enemies are much stronger than normal, it could be pretty fun. 

I also think that, I and many other's don't like armor, many Mod Packs use either different armor texture's or a feature to remove armor from being seen and that's a bit sad. 

Wanted to bounce the idea off of people who have more experience than me, I can't code at all and I'm not even sure MCreator would make it plausible or not. 

Last seen on 20:30, 5. Apr 2024
Joined Mar 2023

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Are you making this mod or…
Sat, 04/22/2023 - 18:53

Are you making this mod or do you want someone else to?

That is a cool idea.