Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I'm trying to make a function for a mob that acts like bucketable mobs. Whenever I try to apply my code to the itemized bucket creature thingamagig it says it's missing dependencies and if I try to do a when player right clicks on block it tells me I have dependencies that need to be defined: source entity, world. I can't take a screenshot because I messed up while trying to use a USB so here is a written out idea of what it looks like.
event trigger: (player right clicks block (or) no additional trigger)
if: item main hand of source entity = bucketed mob item
do: remove: bucketed mob item from source entity
add: bucket to source entity
spawn: mob at source entity location (for x y and z)
If anyone can explain what I'm missing I would be greatly pleased. Also if anyone knows how to spawn the mob where clicked that would be nice information to know too.