Topic category: User side tutorials
Hello! I heard alot of people really badly want to know how to do this. So here I am! Let's get right into the coding.
First, use the Nerdy's Gecko Lib plugin for the animations. Also use it in blockbench. Second, go in block bench. Create your model, and create 2 different animations. One called Idle and another called walk. Now, go in MCreator and create an entity with this model. Set the health to infinite, so it never dies. Then, enter in your animations. Now make a produce. Set the trigger to player respawn. Then spawn the entity and give the entity you spawned a varible to whatever player summoned it by respawning/spawning. Then, create another produce detecting where ever the player walks and when the player walks. Use the varible to make the new entity face the same direction of the player and whenever the player walks, the entity walks, and whenever the player is idle, the entity is idle. Now just update the position of the entity and remove the spawn egg of this entity and boom! Your done!
Hopefuly this helped! -- KrebPleb
Will it not overlap with the original model?
what about when is swimming?
what about mining and attacking and all and what if it lags behind or something like that
Time to make a morph mod!
what about the players skin?