Cannot find symbol on a period character.

Started by Overlord1477 on

Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions

Last seen on 12:50, 10. Jul 2023
Joined Jul 2023

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Cannot find symbol on a period character.

I'm trying to make a command for my mod but even just making a blank procedure and calling it in the command leads to this below error. I've even created a test environment to maybe see if I just did something wrong with my original mod, but I'm still getting the same error.


r/MCreator - Cannot find symbol on a period character???

Aren't "cannot find symbol" errors typically used for improperly declared variables that the compiler can't understand? The above code is all pre-generated by MCreator, so I'd assume that it's properly declared and the compiler can understand it.

r/MCreator - Cannot find symbol on a period character???r/MCreator - Cannot find symbol on a period character??? 

These are my command and procedure blocks, nearly completely empty.

package net.mcreator.testmod.command;

/* imports omitted */

public class TestCommand {

	public static void register(CommandDispatcher<CommandSourceStack> dispatcher, CommandBuildContext commandBuildContext) {
		dispatcher.register(Commands.literal("test").requires(s -> s.hasPermission(2)).executes(arguments -> {
			ServerLevel world = arguments.getSource().level();

			double x = arguments.getSource().getPosition().x();
			double y = arguments.getSource().getPosition().y();
			double z = arguments.getSource().getPosition().z();

			Entity entity = arguments.getSource().getEntity();

			Direction direction = entity.getDirection();

			TestprocedureProcedure.execute(<String, Object>builder().build());
			return 0;



package net.mcreator.testmod.procedures;

/* imports omitted */

public class TestprocedureProcedure {

	public static void execute(Map<String, Object> dependencies) { java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()));


Here are my code blocks for my command and procedure respectively.


What's even stranger is that this error wasn't happening until a little earlier and I had the command working in game until now.

I've tried clearing my caches, deleting the gradle folder in .mcreator, nothing's worked.

I've looked around the forums for this EXACT issue, and I've found nothing similar at all. It's all self-declared variables that aren't working. This is different.


Running Manjaro Linux 6.1.31-2

Currently using the Fabric for 1.20.1 - 0.83.1 plugin.