Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
I am having an issue with MCreator, I tried to update to 2023.2 from whatever the 1.12 version was, and now I can't make workspaces. I have done EVERYTHING! I have tried:
- Deleting the Gradle cache folder
- Deleting the Gradle folder
- Fresh installing MCreator
- Restarting PC
- Restarting PC and reinstalling
- Disabling my Antivirus and trying again
- Running as administrator
I don't have a VPN, my internet is great, no issues online or in online games.
I have done everything that the support on site says, I have done everything that I've seen in other forum posts with the same issue. NOTHING.
It's also inconsistent, It kept failing on the third part of setting up the workspace, but then when I most recently reinstalled it, it made it all the way to almost completed before telling me it failed.
I have no idea what to do and I've just wasted an hour and a half of my life trying to fix this issue with absolutely nothing working.
What was the error message the most recent time?
We would need your log linked to paste service to be able to assist further