Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
So, I have a mod called Viking Ages Craft, the mod has tribes and I want them not to start killing each other if they shoot a stray arrow, well, I have the solution for this problem that I see a lot of people on pages getting confused.. .
Even if I leave the option to attack entities back, it works and just don't attack members of the tribe itself.
First create the entity...
Then create a tag for forge with the name of the entity's group, in my case it was forge:ice_hunter_tribe
add the entities to this group
Creates a procedure that prevents them from attacking members of the same tag, in my case I added something else (it has the option to not attack those who hold weapons similar to theirs, similar to piglins with gold armor)
follow all the images on the google drive link in order after creating the basics of the entity...
I was not able to know the right forum section where to post this sorry, if its the "help with modding (Java Edition)" please tell me wich section wouldd be more correct...
I can now confirm that the option to not attack player when holding a specified weapon, does not work, maybe in future I discover how to make that thing that we have with the piglins, if I discover it, I'll put here a reply with the procedures...