This Mod as of the latest version (V1.0.7) The Current Items are as follows:
#Dragon Mountain no trees however covered in Dragon Mountain Blocks
#Dimentnion Dragon Kingdom (Dimentnion where Dimentnion Crystals are found)
#Skeletal dragon mob (peacfull spawns in Dragon Mountains biome)
#Dragon Worshipers (peacful spawn in Dragon Mountains Biome)
#Ghosts (Roam the world slow but string attack hostile mobs)
#Dragon Soldier (bit of a WIP however they spawn in dungens and spawners are very hostile)
#Dragon Crystals (from Smelting Blue Dragon Crystals Ore)
#Black Fire Crystal (from smelting Dragon Mountains Block, Waring there hot)
#Blue Dragon Diamond (From diamonds and dragon crystals
#Small Blue Dragon Crystal Sword (the first of the itterations)
#Blue Dragon Crystal Blade (used for makeing teir 2 and 3 dragon swords)
#Blue Dragon Crystals Sword (droped by dragon worshipers rarely and teir 2 of Blue Dragon Crystal Swords)
#Extended Dragon Crystal Sword (Tier 3 of Dragon Crysta Swords, spawns lighting when right clicked on block, Strongest sword in pack)
#Dragon Crystals tools (includes Axe, Pick and shovel)
#Black fire Dragon Sword (2nd Strongest sword in pack)
#Blue Dragon Crystal Apple
#Fire Dragon Armour set (very strong (strongest armour set))
#Fire Dragon Wings (allows flight (only need to be wonrn once per life cycle(you die need to re equipt)) and no fall damage)
#Enchanted Blue Dragon Crystal sword (Alternative to Extended Blue Dragon Crystal Sword with very high Enchantablility)
#Dragon blaster (Longrage cannon uses Dragon Crystals as fule)
#Explosive Dragon Blaster (be cairfull very very powerful, not for close range)
#Dimentnion Dragon Crystal shells (from dimentnion dragon crystal ore)
#Dimentnion Dragon Crystals (from dimentnion dragon crystal shells
#Dimentnion Dragon Crystal Armour (second strongest armour set)
#Blue Dragon Crystals Block (decorative)
#Blue Dragon Diamond Block (Used for Extended Dragon Crystal Sword Resipe)
#Blue Dragon Crystal Ore
#Dragon Mountain Block
#Dimention Dragon Stone
#Dimentnion dragon crystal ore
#Refined Dimentnion dragon crystal block
#Dimentnion Logs and planks (WIP)
Ferther updates will be comming and for any sugestions please inform me, or bugs, Thank you.
Please suggest anything for the mod or any bugs you experience