Multimaterial Mod [+announcement]

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Hi everyone!

I made today a pretty simple and small mod, but I considerated this concept actually useful.

It doesn't add much things, or more exactly it does add only 3 items. Anyways they might be very useful and will help you clean your chest by turning trash into useful resources.

Every single minecrafter knows how bad it feels to get those tons of dirt, so now it won't be so painful anymore. Now you can craft different materials using a new one material based on dirt, coal and bonemeal - the Terragenum!

There are 3 types of it, so those are the three new items respectively:

-Terragenum: The base of the mod which you can use to craft things like seeds, bread, wood and others and also the other two types of itself.

-Harderned Terragenum: After being into the furnace the terragenum transforms into it's harderned form. It can be used with regular terragenum to create the most basic mineral materials like gravel, stone, iron and etc.

-Extreme Terragenum: You'll need lava and probably JEI for this one. Using this form of terragenum you can craft gold, lapis and even diamonds and obsidian.

Well... Now to the announcement.

I was missing pretty long, the cause were problems with my laptop. So I wasn't able to make mods and it even broke at one point. However as you can see I'm back, and of course back with new ideas.
Probably not so many of you know that I was working on the giant sequel of TechnoCraft. I couldn't finish and realized that I have too many plans to make it alone. As a result of some weeks without basically any PC or laptop I got literally hundreds of new ideas for this mod and now I'm thinking about collabing to make the creation of TC2 less nerving.

If you think it's a good idea you can make a mod to show your skills. It doesn't matter how much it takes, the most important is of course showing the ability in your area which could be: texture/model design (making textures and models for the mod obviously, procedures/codding (responsible of making procedures for mod's items, blocks and other elements), gameplay balance (making tools/armor/mobs that pass by difficulty to their characteristics as rarity, properties from real life and other). After the mod is made I should be informed about it and what ability it is focused on to see if it's good enough.

Also I guess if this works I'll need a few testers. I'll be one of them, but also contributing to textures, gameplay elements and basically giving all the ideas, so like inventing and "coordenating" what mod elements to do.

Thanks for your attention! Enjoy! ;)

Minecraft mod files
Multimaterial.jar - Single version of the mod Uploaded on: 02/29/2020 - 00:30   File size: 36.1 KB