Raw Ores
Raw Ores is a simple mod for Minecraft Forge 1.16.5 that adds the raw ores from Minecraft 1.17. This mod also allows for the generation of copper in your Minecraft world.
When you break one of these three ores (Iron, Gold and Copper ore), it now drops raw item corresponding to the ore you've mined. You can now use the Fortune enchantment to get more ores when mining! You can still get the original ore block by having Silk Touch on your pickaxe.

Copper Ore
This mod also add the Copper Ore from Minecraft 1.17. It doesn't serve any purpose by the time being, but you can have the Raw Copper Ore Block, the Block of Copper and the Copper Ingot by smelting it.

The Copper Ore generate with an average amount of ore groups per chunk of 6, an average number of ores in a group of 16, and inside a 0-96 height range.
I plan to add all of the Copper Block variants and the Waxed ones, with maybe the Copper Rod.
[Version 1.0.0] :
- Added New Item : Raw Iron
- Added New Item : Raw Gold
- Added New Item : Raw Copper
- Added New Item : Copper Ingot
- Added New Block : Raw Iron Block
- Added New Block : Raw Gold Block
- Added New Block : Raw Copper Block
- Added New Block : Copper Ore
- Added New Block : Block of Copper
- Copper Ore generates in the overworld
[Version 1.1.0] :
- Added blocks and items to several forge tags
@GrzechuGrek It isnt planned for 1.17/1.18 and the mod author just want to make it vanilla...It just ported(downgraded) some content,and possibly he/she dont want to add anything new