
Published by Skill3r128 on
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A simple mod that add coins and bags

/!\ Coin Version here no stuff

Not craftable coins
Now fishing can drop streum

100 Streums = 1 coin
1 Stone coin = 1 coin
1 Full Streum bag = 10 coins
1 Bronze coin = 50 coins
1 Silver coin = 2,5K coins
1 Gold coin = 125K coins
1 Rich coin = 6'250K coins
1 Royal coin = 312,5M coins
1 Cosmic coin = 15,6B coins
1 Aiycoin = 1T coins

1 coin box for store coins and change them for up/down
(1 bronze <-> 50 stone) etc...
1 Streum bag for store Streum

9 coin bag: streum,stone,bronze,silver,gold,rich,royal,cosmic,aiycoin (deco)
5 advancements
1 New Villager "Coin Vendor" need a full streum bag placed to work (1.20.1)

coin tag (for craft and other)

2 gamerules
"StreumCount" How many streum a mob drop when killed (0-25 (80%each))
"Endercoin" If true Coin box and Streum bag are like enderchest (1.20.1)
 (1.16-1.18 You can't disable it to avoid duplication bug)

New Trades
You can found a coin in the ground

All [Coin] versions are stable and will probably never change.
But don't contain the stuff (sword,pick) etc...
For those who only want the coins.

You want the complete mod ? go to curseforge i'm limited by file number here

Minecraft mod files
Aiycoin 1.20.1-[Coin].jar - Latest Coin Version Uploaded on: 08/28/2024 - 08:07   File size: 735.92 KB
Aiycoin 1.18.2-[Coin].jar - Latest Coin Version Uploaded on: 08/28/2024 - 08:07   File size: 768.92 KB
Aiycoin 1.16.5-[Coin].jar - Latest Coin Version Uploaded on: 08/28/2024 - 08:07   File size: 883.13 KB

3 version for now

v1.0.0 mod created

do coin box, all coin (stone -> royal), 4 decoratives bags (stone -> gold) craft, gamerule etc...

v1.1.0 Streum version

Adding streum, streum bag (old) trade with villager (100 streum -> 1 stone coin)


v1.2.0 box update

Adding full streum bag and the button for have it, decorative streum bag, adding streum slot in coin box , villager trade (saddle and horse armor , budding amethyst (1.18.2) 24 emerald -> 1 coin, 1 royal coin -> 1 bedrock.
Remove villager trade.
Be careful if you switch from version 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 remove the rich coin and the royal coin from the box because their slot and those allowing the exchange of coins are modified to allow streums to be added to the box.

v1.3.0 More streum update

removing all villager trades, streum bag full bug fixed,
Adding 5 sword and 1 pickaxe, axe, shovel (can drop more streum and coin)
smitting craft for new tools.


v1.3.5 Add 1.20.1 port 

The return of the tardes but with a custom villager the "coin vendor"
the villager block is the "full streum bag"
Adding: 1 ground coin (coin to find in world), 
The Bronze coin sword (between stone and silver sword)
5 templates (like the one for netherite upgrade but for lower quality)
New gamerule "Streum Count" drop between 1 and 25 streum per kill (config for the dostreumdrop)
New gamerule "EnderCoin" (1.20.1) true -> CoinBox = like enderchest

v1.4.0 add 2 last coins
-Cosmic coin =15,6B
-Aiycoin = 1T (1'000'000'000'000)

adding Coin version for who want only the coins and not the swords and stuff
(mcreator website only have coin version NOW)
New stuff  (Aiycoin stuff and add coin/aiycoin Hoe)


what i need for the mod to be perfect:
make the currency of the villagers be stone coins instead of emeralds (if possible do it with the other mods) [Impossible  for me to do it]
do drop bronze coin from boss
do enderchest like coin box (so as not to be robbed)