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Posted by: Will's Aquatic Craft
File description: First Release
File size: 1.72 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 206
Mod changelog:
Changes/Additions as of v0.1.1
- halved hunger restoration from predators killing prey
- raised the lower limits of how sated a predator can be before willing to hunt (they'll hunt more, trying to stay fuller)
- predators now heal some hp when killing their target
- tweaked when hurt sounds are called- which should prevent some mobs from repeatedly making hurt noises when they're actually immune to damage
- having an iron golem near one's bed now greatly reduces the chance of visitors in the night
- added a new creative tab for the mod's items
- upped attack damage from 5 to 6, upped leap strength from 0.35 to 0.45, now attacks "animal entities"
- added a check to try and prevent them from targeting each other, ocelots, and cats. the results are inconsistent and I don't understand them, but they're acceptable
- tweaked the texture and tail animation
- tweaked the freeze-on-sight mechanic
- added a 'hunted' status effect to show when players are being targeted by howlers, prowlers, and snow stalkers
- will now teleport through dimensions in order to return home
- mood now decreases by 250 every hour, formerly 500 every 25 minutes
- on tick update kobolds now act if "(time MOD(abs(mood - 2400)))=0" instead of "time MOD 2400 = 0" (angry kobolds will cause mischief more often the lower their mood is)
- when right-clicking a bound kobold, their bound location will be revealed
- tweaked arm animation
- draugr are able to visit sleeping players from further away - from 64 to 100 blocks
- tightened the ink particles around them a little bit
- added complex trading system
- adjusted their aggression criteria based on new, individual reputation system
Snow Stalker:
- tweaked the freeze-on-sight mechanic, they now turn invisible when looked at less directly now
- now emit particles while invisible
- had their tracking range (distance away from the player that their AI functions) doubled, from 128 to 256
- increased follow range from 80 to 128
- added a 'hunted' status effect to show when players are being targeted by howlers, prowlers, and snow stalkers
- added a close-ranged attack that deals cold damage, if the snow stalker is close to its target but unable to reach it
Death Moth:
- those with fungal parasites now inflict wither instead of poison
- no longer afflict fungal creatures with status effects
- now attracted to lights at night or otherwise in the dark
- had their tracking range doubled, from 64 to 128
Vampire Bat:
- had their tracking range quadrupled, from 32 to 128
- increased tracking range from 128 to 256
- increased follow range from 32 to 64
- added leap attack
- reduced its height and width from 1.8 to 1.5, allowing it to pass through sets of double doors
- howlers are now a little more determined to reach their prey (if they nerd pole, and also they hopefully stop running away randomly too)
- wisp particles are now both lit and semi-transparent
- they now also despawn during the day, if exposed to the sky
- now manages its height a little better after it catches its target
- no longer target you if one of them has already caught you
- now have a very brief cooldown between attempts where they try and force you to ride them
- the mounted entity off-set has been reverted from -1.75 to 0, while its particles now generate higher after catching their target
- tweaked 'on tick' procedure in order to prevent a potential crash (get nearest (server) player entity)
- increased their resistance to iron/silver whilst in water
- increased follow range from 16 to 32
- they stick a little closer to their target while both they and their target are in water
- increased their movement speed from 0.35 to 0.4
- their attacks now decrease their target's oxygen while underwater
- no longer 'naturally' despawns (code edit)
- now deals void damage
- now chases players even after losing sight of them (code edit)
- increased follow range from 32 to 256
- now has a bit of a speed boost when players stray too far from it
- reduced height from 3 to 2.5
- no longer classified as undead, as it is death itself
- now immune to fire
- added a procedure to disable its gravity when it spawns, preventing it from falling through the world when /summoned
Fungal Hive/Parasite:
- added a tag for mobs immune to being fungal parasited
- fungal parasites now periodically just give a little dose of wither to their host
- when fungal hives or parasites inflict wither, they now produce a few extra particles
- now flee from iron golems... kind of
- now immune to suffocation
- the parasite now periodically damages their host over a period of time, eventually killing them and dropping itself
- parasites no longer attach onto non-biological mobs or mooshrooms, including some COTD mobs
- parasites now only withers targets if it's attached to a host
- parasites now float in water
- parasites now check for solid ground beneath them before transforming into hives
- added numerous talisman items (NYI/WIP) that allows the player to perform a variety of magical abilities
(no recipes/no way to obtain them currently, but the white and light gray talismans may be cheated in and do function)
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