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Posted by: Ali107
File description: Latest 1.20.1 Version
File size: 1.22 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 299
Mod changelog:
- Added CE Regen Speed Attribute.
- Added /ca_status command that will show the availability of all abilities.
- Player Abilities will no longer damage mob the player is riding.
- Wind Ability can now push the entity the ability user is riding.
- Fixed Tower Box ingot loot multiplying when picking them up immediately.
- Fixed bug where is not being used for Powder Ice's name.
- Buffed Lightning Ability attack damage
- Buffed Lava ability attack damage
- Buffed Sandstorm ability attack damage
- Buffed Heavy cast of Bone Meal Ability
- Slightly reduced CE cost of the healer ability
- Fixed bug where losing atomic ability while heavy is active crashes the game
- Added Atomic Ability
- Added Mining Ability
- Added a system for multiplayer that will free a player's ability if they haven't joined in a while
- Added "I. Am. Atomic." Advancement
- Added "daysPlayerHasAbilityOffline" gamerule
- Added "forge:mining_ability_tool_allow" item tag for mining ability
- Mining Tower Boxes will now drop experience instead of dropping itself
- Anti-Crystal enchantment can now be obtained through enchantment tables
- Slightly buffed Sandstorm ability
- Lightness ability users will now be immune to Radiated potion effect
- Reduced CE Cost of Weather ability
- Fire ability will no longer grant lava damage immunity
- Fixed lava ability user not being immune to fire and lava damage
- Sandstorm Ability can now break leaves
- Nerfed Sandstorm ability
- Fixed Spatial and Wind Ability users breaking farmland when walking on them
- Added Sandstorm Ability
- Added Lava Ability
- Added Weather Ability
- Added the Spatial Ability
- Added "Donut Maker!" Advancement
- Lightning Ability users can now also summon lightning while raining
- Berserking will now break surrounding foliage when activating
- Lightness now gives Speed III but switches to Speed VI when sprinting
- Buffed Wind Ability damage
- Anti-Crystal Enchantment is now more common
- Replaced hardcoded titles of abilities to ones that are localized
- Fixed Soap bubbles able to enter boats and minecarts
- Fixed ability users still having passive effects when exposed to weakness
- Added No available abilities left message when all abilities are taken
- Fixed server-side performance issues with Shadow Demon ability
- Added keepCrystalAbility gamerule (default=false)
- Added "forge:swordsman_weapon_allow" compatibility tag
- Added Compatibility with Combat Reborn for swordsman ability
- Buffed Normal Cast of the Healer Ability
- Reduced Tower Dungeon Spawn Rate
- Reduced Crystal Star Spawn rate
- Added Tower Box Block: Replaces Tower Dungeon Loot Chest
- Nerfed Tower Dungeon Loot
- Nerfed Lightness Ability speed
- Reduced Dungeon Tower Spawn rate to spawn half as often
Fixed a bug where Crystal Stars weren't spawning frequently enough
- Added Smoke Ability
- Added Shield Ability
- Added Healer Ability
- Added Bone Meal Ability
- Added "El Thor!" Advancement
- Added "But why tho" Advancement
- Added "Let Him Cook" Advancement
- Tower Dungeon loot table now has a 50% chance of giving 2 power crystals
- Tower Dungeons are now slightly more common.
- Buffed Cooker ability by burning mobs within 2 blocks when player cooks
- Fixed issue where ability shots can sometimes knockback mobs backwards
- Fixed issue where fire ability damaging dropped items
- Fixed Swordsman Slash damaging shields of creative mode players
- Fixed Swordsman and water ability breaking Light Blocks
- Fixed text formatting for when CE is inserted into food through commands
- Fixed issue where /crystal_ability couldn't give others an ability
- The blacklist file now supports multiple lines.
- Soap bubbles will despawn if too many bubbles are within the same block.
- Improved Snow layer placement for Powder Ice ability.
- Buffed Heavy Explosion Attack explosive power.
- Buffed Water Ability attack damage.
- Buffed Cooker Ability.
- Slightly buffed Heavy Swordsman attack.
- Fixed excessive vertical Powder Ice Knockback.
- Fixed black holes that were pulling spectator mode players.
- Fixed spelling mistakes in the mod description.
- Fixed bug where some ability shots despawn when hitting foliage.
- Fixed soap bubble exploding when in contact with players in spectator mode.
- First Release.
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