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Posted by: ProbablyImpulse
File description: Enchantments+ (3.6.0 - 1.21.1)
File size: 1.7 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 953
Mod changelog:
ChangleLog (3.0.0):
- Support For 1.20.4
Source Code / Workspace
ChangleLog (3.0.1):
- Mod lost his support
If you want to download working file, just get " Enchantments+ (2.4.4 - PreFinal V4 - New Enchantment ) " (NOT FOR 1.20.4!) but this verison should have every enchant working
ChangleLog (3.2.1):
- Mod got back his support
- Deleted Twin Arrow Enchantement
- Deleted Cloud Jump Enchantement
ChangeLog (3.3.1)
- Pyro Path: Now it only works on fluid sources, not flowing ones. The shape is now similar to Frost Walker and should be less buggy and less of an FPS drain.
- Cloud Jump: It's back! Now it feels like a proper double jump. While in the air, hit space again to perform a second jump. Once you hit the ground, you will not take any fall damage.
- Hourglass: When your health drops below 5 hearts, time will stop, allowing you to heal, eat, or run. The hourglass will activate again after 500 in-game ticks (12.5 seconds).
- Void's Embrace: If you fall into the void, this enchantment will push you upward and grant you a slow-falling effect.
I'll optimize and balance more enchantments in the next update
ChangeLog (3.3.2)
- Explosive Barrage: Fixed an issue where the arrow would jump off its target after exploding, creating an infinite enchantment effect when used without the Infinity enchantment on the bow.
- Paralyzehex:
- The stun chance is now 30%, reduced from 100% (previously overpowered).
- The stun duration is now 60 ticks (3 seconds), reduced from 80 ticks (4 seconds).
- This enchantment will now close any opened GUI after the initial hit.
- The effect will only apply if the target does not already have the Paralyzehex effect active.
- Venomweave & Withering Strike: These enchantments now apply their effects only if the target does not already have the respective effect active.
- Lifesteal: The maximum level of this enchantment has been reduced from 5 to 3.
- Attracting:
- Adjusted the range for each level of the enchantment:
- Attracting I: Range reduced from 7 to 6.
- Attracting II: Range reduced from 13 to 12.
- Attracting III: Range reduced from 16 to 14.
- Adjusted the range for each level of the enchantment:
- Molten Armor: The effects of this enchantment will no longer apply while in Creative mode.
- Thunderstrike:
- Lightning will only strike if it is raining or storming (thundering).
- Eclipse: The effect duration has been reduced to 60 ticks (3 seconds), down from 80 ticks (4 seconds).
- Stellar Surge:
- Reduced the power for each level of the enchantment:
- Stellar Surge I: Power reduced from 11 to 6.
- Stellar Surge II: Power reduced from 17 to 12.
- Reduced the power for each level of the enchantment:
- Pyro Path: This enchantment will no longer work in Spectator mode.
- Stormseeker: Lightning will only strike if it is raining or storming (thundering).
- Flare Marksmanship:
- Adjusted the fire duration for each level of the enchantment:
- Flare Marksmanship I: 4 seconds (unchanged).
- Flare Marksmanship II: Reduced from 9 seconds to 6 seconds.
- Flare Marksmanship III: Reduced from 14 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Adjusted the fire duration for each level of the enchantment:
- Bane of Phantoms: Now deals 8 additional damage, reduced from 10.
- Bane of Soulbound: Now deals 8 additional damage to Nether mobs, reduced from 12.
Next Steps?:
- Implement the Iceblade enchantment. [✅]
- Implement the Moltenblade enchantment.
- Rework the Safefall enchantment.
- Add more enchantments for secondary equipment (e.g., shields, fishing rods, etc.).
- Introduce new mace enchantments (1–2 planned).
ChangeLog (3.3.3)
Iceblade: Amplifies your damage based on the target's armor value, turning their defense into your strength
ChangeLog (3.3.8)
New Gamerules:
- LimitAmplifierPowerEnchantment: if set to false disables the max level 50 lock on the Amplifier enchantment, allowing damage to scale beyond level 50 instead of being capped. ( Default: True)
DoExplodeOnTargetEnchant: If set to true, Explosive Barrage will destroy blocks when hitting the target. If set to false, it will only damage mobs. (Default: True)
Changes to Enchantment Availability:
- Withering Strike: Loot Table, Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
- Venomweave: Loot Table, Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
- Paralyzehex: Loot Table, Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
- Lifesteal: Loot Table → Loot Table, Treasure
- Attracting: Loot Table, Village Trades, Treasure → Village Trades, Treasure
- Molten Armor: Village Trades → Village Trades, Loot Table
- Chrono Leap: Village Trades → Loot Table
- Reflective Mirror: Village Trades → Treasure
- Blinkstrike: Village Trades → Treasure, Loot Table
- Eclipse: Loot Table → Loot Table, Treasure
- Warpshot: Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
- Pyro Path: Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
- Amplifier: Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
- Safefall: Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
- Bane of Soulbound: Loot Table, Village Trades, Treasure → Village Trades, Treasure
- Heartbeat: Village Trades → Treasure, Village Trades
Hourglass: Loot Table, Village Trades, Treasure → Loot Table, Treasure
Adjusted Tags for Enchantment-Applicable Items:
- Lifesteal: Axes, Tridents, Swords → Tag: weapon
- Attracting: Iron, Diamond, Netherite Helmets → Tag: armor_head
- Pyroharvest: Iron, Wooden, Stone, Golden, Netherite, Diamond Swords → Tag: mining
- Bane of Phantoms: Iron, Wooden, Stone, Golden, Netherite, Diamond Swords → Tag: swords
- Bane of Soulbound: Iron, Wooden, Stone, Golden, Netherite, Diamond Swords → Tag: swords
Slot Restrictions for Enchantments:
- Terraform: Any → Mainhand
- Pyroharvest: Any → Mainhand
Changes to Enchantment Incompatibilities:
- Stormseeker: Warpshot → Warpshot, Flame, FlareMarksmanship
- Bane of Phantoms:
- Previous: Bane of Arthropods, Smite, Sharpness, Lifesteal, Amplifire
- Updated: Bane of Arthropods, Smite, Sharpness, Lifesteal, Amplifire, Bane of Soulbound
- Bane of Soulbound:
- Previous: Bane of Arthropods, Smite, Sharpness, Lifesteal, Bane of Phantoms, Bane of Soulbound
- Updated: Bane of Arthropods, Smite, Sharpness, Lifesteal, Amplifire
- Iceblade:
- Previous: Lifesteal
- Updated: Lifesteal, Amplifire
New Enchantments:
- Kotel's Blessing: While holding a hoe in your offhand and any kind of flower in your main hand, you can use the flower as bone meal.
- Rechargeables: Enchantment for all armor pieces. If applied to any piece, cooldowns for certain items are halved:
- Wind Charge: 0.5s → 0s
- Goat Horn: 7s → 0s
- Chorus Fruit: 1s → 0.5s
- Shield: 5s → 0.5s
Removed Enchantments:
- Blossom Grace
Next Steps?:
- Overcharge: Deals damage to nearby entities equal to (1/2 * {enchantment_level}) ( AXE ) [✅]
- Exploding: Causes entities to explode upon death (damage applies to mobs only). ( MACE )
- Accelerate: While blocking with a shield, there is a 10% chance per tick to shoot an arrow. ( BOW, CROSSBOW )
- More Balance Adjustments [✅]
- Compatibility Testing [✅]
- Documentation
- Introduce Dungeons as a new way to acquire enchantments.
- Enchantments will be obtainable as rare loot in dungeon chests.
- Some unique enchantments will only be found in higher-tier dungeons.
- Dungeons will be categorized by difficulty, and rarer enchantments will appear in more challenging ones.
- Add visual cues and loot table adjustments to make enchantment hunting in dungeons a rewarding experience. [✅ 50% ]
ChangeLog ( 3.6.0 )
Added Enchantments:
Overcharge: While using a Wind Charge or jumping from a high point, nearby entities will take damage. The damage calculation is as follows:
- Base Damage: 1.5 + (Sharpness enchantment level)
- Burning Damage: 3.5 + (Sharpness enchantment level) (if the entities are on fire)
The effect applies to entities within a 6-block radius from the initial impact point. For example, if you hit a mob at (x = 1, y = 1), all mobs within (x = 1 to 6, y = 1 to 6) will take the appropriate damage.
- This enchantment does not affect players.
- Prevents fall damage upon landing.
Found in: Dungeon loot tables, treasure chests Tag: minecraft:enchantable/weapon Supported Slot: Mainhand Incompatible With: Withering Strike, Poisonous Blade, Paralyzehex, Lifesteal, Amplifier, Frostbite
Reach: Increases interaction range, allowing you to attack entities, break blocks, and place blocks from two blocks farther.
Found in: Dungeon loot tables, treasure chests Tag: minecraft:enchantable/chest_armor Supported Slot: Chest Incompatible With: Chrono Leap
Lumberjack: Instantly cuts down entire trees.
Found in: Dungeon loot tables, villager trades Tag: minecraft:enchantable/mining Supported Slot: Mainhand Incompatible With: None
Removed Enchantments:
- Molten Armor
- Aerial Mastery
- Reflective Mirror
- Blink Strike
- Eclipse
- Safefall
- Flare Marksmanship
- Hourglass
- Warp Shot
- Dive
- Pyro Harvest: If you sneak while mining, the block will not be smelted.
- Paralyzehex: Now forces opponents' GUI (inventory, crafting, etc.) to close every time they are hit, instead of only when the Slowness effect is applied.
- Withering Strike: Added a visual cue to indicate when the effect is active. The effect will be displayed with a 60% probability to avoid excessive screen clutter.
- Venomweave:
- Added a visual cue when the effect is applied (60% probability to avoid excessive particles).
- Renamed to Poisonous Blade.
- Iceblade:
- Renamed to Frostbite.
- Now applies a Frostbite potion effect, which slows the target, deals gradual damage, and overlays a freezing visual effect.
- Heartbeat: Buffed regeneration effect from level 2.2 to level 3.2.
- Pyro Path: Renamed to Lava Walker.
- Pyro Harvest:
- Renamed to Smelter.
- If the player sneaks, mined items will not be smelted.
- Terraform: Renamed to Tunneler.
Other Changes:
- Frostbite Effect:
- Frostbite potions can now be brewed by combining Thick Potions (made from Water Bottles and Glowstone) with Snowballs.
ChangeLog ( 3.6.3 )
- Frostbite Enchantment:
- Now cannot be combined with Fire Aspect.
- Now extinguishes any player on fire upon activation.
New Gamerule: Lumberjack Blocks Limit
- Allows players to set a limit for the Lumberjack enchantment, determining how many blocks upwards will be destroyed when cutting down a tree.
- Default value: 35 blocks.
- Bug Fix: Resolved an issue where tree-cutting would fail. To reduce lag, the system will now count only 15 blocks instead of 35 from the initial break point.
ChangeLog ( 3.6.4 )
- Tunneler: will no longer dig 3x1 if an entity is sneaking or in creative mode.
ChangeLog ( 4.0.0 )
This major update introduces new enchantments, removes the Lumberjack Blocks Limit gamerule, and improves several enchantment mechanics for better balance and functionality.
Added Enchantments
20% chance to drop VANILLA mob heads upon enemy death.
Found in: Dungeon loot tables, villager trades
Tag: minecraft:enchantable/mining
Supported Slot: Mainhand
Incompatible With: None
Tiller’s Touch
Allows hoes to till grass blocks in a 3×3 area instead of a single block.
Found in: Dungeon loot tables
Tag: mod:hoes
Supported Slot: Mainhand
Incompatible With: None
- Small chance to destroy enemy shields upon hit.
Effect probability:
- Shattering I → 10%
- Shattering II → 20%
- Shattering III → 30%
Found in: Dungeon loot tables, treasure chests
Tag: minecraft:enchantable/crossbow
Supported Slot: Mainhand
Incompatible With: None
Spectral Cut
- Arrows will ignore shields.
- Has 3 levels.
- (Currently not working and not obtainable.)
Changes to Enchantments:
Frostbite Effect
- Now applies the Frozen effect instead of using a custom overlay.
- Simplified mechanics for better performance and usability.
Lumberjack Gamerule Removal
- Removed the "Lumberjack Blocks Limit" gamerule.
- Lumberjack now works 100% correctly with an improved algorithm.
- Trees will be fully destroyed as long as the logs are touching and have no gaps between them.
- No longer works in Creative Mode.
- Cannot be applied to an item that already has Tunneler.
- Now only works underground (player must not be able to see the sky).
Bane of Soulbound
- Now counts Hoglins as a Nether entity.
- Cannot be applied to an item that already has Smelter.
ChangeLog ( 4.2.0 )
- Fixed a bug where the Enchantment "Tunneler" wouldn't work on shovels.
- Fixed a bug where the Enchantment "Tunneler" wouldn't deal additional damage to tools while active.
- Fixed a bug where "Luminescence" wouldn't work in mines during the day.
- Fixed a bug where "Tunneler" was incompatible with the "Smelter" enchantment.
Deleted Enchantments:
- Removed the "Spectral Cut" enchantment.
- Lava Walker: Lava Walker will now function as follows: Instead of having 3 different stages like the Minecraft Frost Walker, you will have a set amount of time on lava. Lava Walker I grants 10 seconds, and Lava Walker II grants 15 seconds.
- The blackstone texture has been changed from cobblestone to blackstone.
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