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Posted by: remzso
File description: News: -God Armor -God Ingot (with this you can also repair god weapons) -Upgrade God token Tier 2 and Tier 3 -Vanheim Sapling -V
File size: 27.03 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 417
Mod changelog:


Check out the updated tutorial:
-**Travel Bag** (can only trade with Baldr and Njord)
-Valhalla days and night change
-There are shadows in the valhalla

Balance changes:

-Loki Dagger
 -Attack Damage 6->4
 -Durability 1600->2000
-Njord Workstation can be broken

Bugs fix:
-Valhalla vikings spawn fix


-God Armor
-God Ingot (with this you can also repair god weapons)
-Upgrade God token Tier 2 and Tier 3
-Vanheim Sapling
-Viking Sapling

Balance changes:
-One blood block gives less blood
-Mini Bosses and Odin more silent
-Hog spawns during the day

Viking Armor Balance changes: Nerf

Blood Viking Armor Balance changes: Nerf

Viking Sword:
1000->2000 Durability
11->9 Damage

Blood Viking Sword:
2000->3000 Durability
12->10 Damage

War Axe:
1600->2000 Durability
14->13 Damage

Blood War Axe:
2000->3000 Durability
15->14 Damage

Try Sword:
1600->2000 Durability
14->13 Damage

Thor Mjolnir:
1600->2000 Durability
12->9 Damage
1->1.25 Attack Speed

Odin Sword:
14->11 Damage

Ragnarok Sword:
14->11 Damage

Bugs fix:
-Blood Pickaxe durability fix
-Vikings spawn fix Valhalla



Balance changes:
-Tyr Sword Fire damage
-Loki Dagger Poison damage

Bugs fix:
-Viking camp vikings spawn fix
-Tokens fix
-Freya loot fix



-New Boss Ragnarok drop New Life Steal Sword and No Dead Totem (it only works if it is in the 
 main hand)
-4 Mini Boss and Odin Boss drop new tokens (different token give different passive effects)
-New Shop structure spawn only Vanheim
-New trader Njord fin only Shop structure (Vanheim)
-New hurt sound

Balance changes:
-Vanheim wood drop Lapis Lazuli
-Blood Block texture changed
-Other changes

Bugs fix:
-Viking sound
-Other Bugs fixs



Balance changes:
Hog and the Viking sound is quieter and rarer.
Leaves fall if there is no tree next to them. And are transparent on higher graphics.
You can also make a beacon out of cobalt block.
Cloud craft and generation Asgard

Bugs fix:
Helheim Vikings spawn fix
Structures spawn fix


The structures adapt better to the environment
Viking Camp structures

Balance changes:
Door texture changed
Better loot in chests 
Structures rarer spawn

Bugs fix:
Freya chest loot fix 


Balance changes:
Freya ball crafting 10->20
Viking Bowman AI changed
Other small change

Bugs fix:
Freya spawn fix
Viking Bowman name fix


Valhalla dimension Update:
New 3 biome (Asgard, Helheim, Vanheim)
Odin throne spawns in Asgard
Large and small blood wells spawn in Helheim (Now you can only get blood from here, or by trade)
Vanheim wood

Viking and Valheim wood, you can craft all the block (Slab, Stairs, Fence, Fence Gate, Button, Pressure Plate, Door, Trap Door)
New viking shield
Viking ship on the water

Other change

Balance changes:
All mini bosses reworked (damage, health, and knockback are changed)
Odin boss reworked (damage, health, and knockback are changed)
Viking Warrior and Viking Bowman reworked (damage, health, and knockback are changed)
Freya bow uses projectile
Throwing ax remove temporarily
New milestone
Creative tab update

Bugs fix

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